clipper card cable car
Clipper Card at SFO - San Francisco Forum - TripAdvisor.
SFMTA Hosting Muni Senior and Youth Clipper Card Sign-Ups.
clipper card cable car
Transportation and Getting Around Page - Muni Pass Distributors to Sell Clipper Cards Preloaded with the.
clipper card cable car
Another Clipper card question - Muni Passports - San Francisco.Oct 7, 2010. Clipper is accepted on all Muni vehicles (including cable car with monthly pass on the card only), BART, AC Transit, Golden Gate Transit and.
You can buy the Clipper Card most places where you can buy the old “Fast Pass” . Cable cars cost $5 per ride and there are no transfers given or accepted.
Clipper Card Muni Passport? - San Francisco Forum - TripAdvisor.
Everything You Need to Know to Switch to Clipper Next Week | Muni.
Oct 7, 2010. Clipper is accepted on all Muni vehicles (including cable car with monthly pass on the card only), BART, AC Transit, Golden Gate Transit and.
Clipper Card | Streetsblog San Francisco.
Feb 1, 2013. The rest of the trip we're planning to use MUNI and the cable cars to get. Does the Passport make more sense than getting a Clipper Card.
Mar 24, 2010. TransLink cards are now accepted on San Francisco's cable cars! Labels: cable car, clipper, MTC, Muni, public transportation, Translink.
Apr 29, 2013. As clarified in post #6, Clipper cards are indeed usable on cable cars. Of the main transit services in the Bay Area, the *only* thing the Clipper.
Answer 1 of 7: My wife (who doesn't yet have an account here) responds:.
Clipper Card at SFO - San Francisco Forum - TripAdvisor.
Oct 11, 2010. Cable car operators will be equipped with hand held card readers which can verify that a current Monthly Pass exists on your Clipper card.
Aug 22, 2010. Some cable car commuters complained about problems getting operators to accept Clipper cards. But Goodwin and Paul Rose, a spokesman.
The Clipper card is probably the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen in my life. ... So excited, I didn't care that it didn't include the cable cars, which I rarely ride.
Aug 23, 2010. agencies and Cubic, which built and operates the Clipper system. Muni has retrained all of its cable car operators to use handheld card readers.
Clipper Cards- one card for all your needs • San Francisco Cable Car: The complete guide helps you find history, etiquette, locations, and hours. • See the below.
Oct 25, 2010. Clipper is accepted on all Muni vehicles (including cable car with monthly pass on the card only), BART, AC Transit, Golden Gate Transit and.